
アップルは、FBI を保つために iPhone セキュリティを押し上げていますか?新しいルールを使用するユーザーを強制的にその.


TranslateApiException: The Azure Market Place Translator Subscription associated with the request credentials has zero balance. : ID=0151.V2_Json.Translate.2FF1A3DF

Has Apple boosted iPhone security to keep out the FBI? New rules force users to use their …

In the past few weeks, you may have noticed a mysterious message popping up on your iPhone after hours of non-use. A seemingly new prompt requires users to enter a passcode to access their phone, even though they have Touch ID enabled – but only if it hasn’t been unlocked using its passcode in six days, and the Touch ID hasn’t been used within the last eight hours. Though Apple has said the feature was added with the release of iOS 9, users have just now begun to see it, causing many to speculate about its connection to the firm’s recent tensions with the FBI.
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