
9.7 インチの iPad Pro のアップルを引っ張る iOS 9.3.2


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Apple Pulls iOS 9.3.2 for 9.7-inch iPad Pro

To leave a comment, click Add a Comment and then enter the text, your name, and your email address (which won’t be displayed). Your comment will appear after you follow a link in the one-time confirmation message we send to verify that you’re a real person. According to MacRumors, Apple has now pulled iOS 9.3.2 for the 9.7-inch iPad Pro, telling iMore’s Rene Ritchie that it’s working on a fix. As much as it pains us to say so, this is exactly why we always recommend waiting a week or so before installing Apple OS updates. For those of you with a 9.7-inch iPad Pro, sit tight, and iOS 9.3.
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