アップルのティム・クックCEOは走行時にノートパソコンを使用していないと認めた「iPadで十分です」討論会で火をおこした。彼は今iPad ProとiPhoneとともに移動し、MacBookを残したと述べています。
投資会社Cowen and CompanyがiPad Proで強力な新しいA9Xプロセッサーがインテルに脅威を与えるものと考えています。理由は、Appleの新しいCPUがインテルCore Mプロセッサーよりも強力であることです。
Top iOS news of the week: Firefox, Apple threatening Intel, iWorks updated
Apple CEO Tim Cook fanned the fire on the “iPad is good enough” debate with a recent admission that he doesn’t use a laptop when travelling. He stated that he now travels with an iPad Pro and iPhone, leaving the MacBook behind. He probably has an Apple Watch along, too. After a preview period in New Zealand, the Firefox app is now available everywhere on iOS. The free browser has many features that long-time Firefox users have enjoyed. Note that the iOS version of Firefox does not use the Gecko rendering engine as Apple insists browsers use its WebKit engine.
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