
iOS9上のMobile Safariの検索を実行するための最も簡単な方法


ワードやトピックをコピーするには、アドレスバーに貼り付けるMobile Safariに検索を実行するプロセスはあまりにも大量の作業が必要です。


iOS9によれば、Appleは、Mobile Safariに検索クエリを貼り付けに要するタップとプレスの数に縮小された。



The quickest way to perform a search in mobile Safari on iOS 9

The process of copying a word or topic, then pasting it into the address bar to perform a search in mobile Safari takes far too much work. First, you have to tap on the address bar, then press and hold until the dialogue to Select All shows up. Next, you have to delete and then paste in the text you want to search. With iOS 9, Apple cut down on the number of taps and presses it takes to paste a search query into mobile Safari. After you’ve copied the info you want to perform an Internet search for, launch Safari on your iOS device.
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