これは、iOS版はユニコード・バグの影響を受けていないことが初めてではありません。今年、ラウンドをTeleguのインド系言語の文字セットで1文字を含む同じようなテキストメッセージを指定します。このメッセージは、iOS版Gmail iOSアプリのメッセージ、WhatsAppとFacebook MessengerやOutlookにiPhoneだけでなく、アクセスをブロックしました。
‘Black dot of death’ Unicode bug crashes iOS Messages app
Another Unicode text bug has been discovered in iOS, which will repeatedly crash Apple’s Messages app by overloading its memory. This isn’t the first time that iOS have suffered the affects of malicious Unicode bugs. Earlier this year, a similar text message did the rounds, containing a single character in the Indian language character set of Telegu. This message crashed iPhones, as well as blocking access to the Messages, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Outlook for iOS and Gmail iOS apps. Back in 2015, Apple also suffered from the so-called “Unicode of Death” security exploit in iMessages.
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