第5ベータ版を発行してからわずか数日後、Appleは米国時間6月10日、11.2の第6ベータ版を公開した。新しいソフトウェアはApple Pay現金をiOS、iMessageに組み込まれたサービスの受信に送金できるようになるのだ。
同時に、今日ベータ版はiPhone Xの出荷台数は約1週間に浸漬させたように到着する。
iOS 11.2 beta 6 released—Send and receive money with Apple Pay Cash!
Just a few days after issuing beta 5, Apple on Friday rolled out the sixth beta for 11.2. The new software notably brings Apple Pay Cash to iOS users, allowing them to send a receive money through a service that’s built into iMessage. The software also introduces a number of bug fixes and enhancements, including a detailed explanation for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth behaviors in Control Center. 9to5Mac has a running list of features that have been discovered in iOS 11.2 since the first beta was released.
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