最新の開発者はiOS(11.1、watchOS2で4.1、「macOS」にHigh Sierra、tvOSに10.1のパブリックベータ版は今週中に発見されたWPA2クラック脆弱性に対するパッチをリリースし、Appleはイモリのルネ・リッチー・ウィークリー』に語っている。
Latest iOS 11.1 beta and watchOS, macOS, tvOS betas have WPA2 KRACK fix
The latest developer and public betas for iOS 11.1, watchOS 4.1, macOS High Sierra and tvOS 10.1 feature a patch to the WPA2 KRACK exploit discovered this week, Apple has told iMore‘s Rene Ritchie. It is unknown how quickly the patches for each platform will come to stable versions and if it can be expedited to a .0.x iteration. However, if either the device or the router is patched, you should be in the clear. The KRACK exploit basically allows the manipulation of encryption keys. Your information can be easily siphoned and decrypted while being sent.
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