ロンドンは世界で最も大きな都市の一つ、「アルファ+」のステータスを持つ唯一のニューヨークと並んで、グローバリゼーションと世界都市Research Network(ガウチ)による。
These 11 iOS and Android apps will help you make the most out of London
London is one of the greatest cities in the world, and the only one — alongside New York — that has the status of “Alpha++” Global City, according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network (GaWC). That means that the city offers a great number of things to do: From places to visit, things to eat, markets to explore, events and concerts to attend, to pop-ups that may disappear before you even know they are there. We put together a list of 11 useful apps that will help you better navigate the British capital, and make the most out of it every day of the year.
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