多くの場合、既定値は最適な選択である–カメラアプリの第3バージョンではできなかった方法で『iPhone』に対応しています。しかし、Mail」の代わりに「Google Chrome」の代わりに「Safari」かMicrosoft Outlookを使用することを好むであろう。Appleはそれをやらなければならない。
iOS 11: 6 things we want to see in Apple’s new iPhone software
A lot of the time, the defaults are the best option – the camera app works with the iPhone in a way that third party versions can’t for example. But some people would prefer to use Google Chrome instead of Safari, or Microsoft Outlook instead of Mail. Apple should let them. One of iOS’s most under-appreciated features is the iCloud Keychain, which securely stores passwords for websites so that Safari can enter them automatically. But it’s under-appreciated because it’s never really explained to users, and the passwords themselves are buried deep in the iOS settings.
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