Mountain View市内の医療ソフトウエア会社はますます勢いをチームに追加するネイティブミッドレベルのiOS開発者を探している。同社は病院の装置から、患者に使用される装置にはいくつかの異なるタイプの医療用のソフトウェア上で動作します。これはiOS開発者が予定されている「特定のアプリが医師にデータを送信し、患者や医療記録を追跡するために、遠隔的な吸入器である。
Mid Level iOS Developer
A medical software company in Mountain View is looking for a native Mid-Level iOS Developer to add to their growing team. The company works on several different types of medical software that range from hospital devices to at home, patient used devices. One specific app that this iOS developer will be working on is an inhaler that sends data to the physician remotely to keep track of patient improvement and medical records. In terms of technical requirements, the manager is looking for a native Mid-Level iOS Developer with 2-3 years of professional experience working with Swift.
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