2023年のことだ。ローカルCarphone Warehouseに入ると、スマホの通常の動物園ではなく、分厚い眼鏡が建ち並んで代わりに迎えられる。これには、携帯電話業者間の合併・Specsaversがより広範囲なもの、スマートフォンのビジョンの予測ではありません。
Apple’s plan to kill the iPhone
The year is 2023. You walk into your local Carphone Warehouse and are greeted not by the usual menagerie of smartphones but instead by row after row of chunky spectacles. This is not a prediction of a merger between the mobile phone retailer and Specsavers but a vision of something more far-reaching: the end of the smartphone. When the late Apple boss Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone a decade ago, it marked the beginning of an era in which the little rectangles in our pockets would come to dominate our lives. That time is nearing its end.
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