


ビルド15060は、内部に展開された翌日、チームは迅速に相互にフォローしています。Windows*10Insider Previewビルド15061は現在順次公開中の高速リングである。


1ヶ月以内にRTMを直撃する予定もウィンドウズ10Creators Updateをできるだけ迅速にアップデートを発表したというのも驚くことではありませんが、本日予定の『ウィンドウズ10』のモバイル版はバグが原因で遅れている。


Windows 10 Insider preview build 15061 is out for PC, here are the known issues

Just a day after build 15060 rolled out to Insiders, the team has quickly followed up with another. Windows 10 Insider Preview build 15061 is rolling out now into the Fast ring. It’s worth noting that this build has the same known issues as yesterday’s build. In case you missed it, here is the list: It’s no surprise that they pushed out the update as quickly as possible given the looming Windows 10 Creators Update expected to hit RTM within the month. Meanwhile, Windows 10 Mobile build planned for today is delayed due to a nasty bug.
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