



Android app won’t auto-connect to wifi

Thanks for the reply. The Ionic connects to wifi to transfer music or sync music settings, hence there is a section of the app where you can add networks. It also seems to require wifi to download sizable clock face files, as it has failed any time I’ve tried to change a clock face without being in range of a wifi network I’m connected to. My phone doesn’t have any issues with wifi connectivity, however when transferring music I always seem to have to go back to the wifi setting in the app and re-enter the password details, as the apps fails to save them.
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Syncing issues since 2.64 Android app update

Do we know when this will be fixed? I have just spent 30mins on the phone to customer service, who I believe thinks there’s a problem my end rather than the fact Fitbits latest update makes my watch no longer compatible – I’m now waiting for someone higher up to come back to me in the next 24 hours with advice on how to fix the fact my phone isn’t syncing. They will recommend all the things I have done so far finishing with un-pairing the watch from my phone and re-pairing. I did this already this morning. and now a few hours later am expected to do it again.
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Androidオレオ最新情報:GalaxyS S8がわからないまま、ライバルの正式なリリース日を取得します。





サムスンは最近オレオガイドのブラジルのウェブサイトに掲載された彼らのソフトウェアアップグレードのテストの最終段階にあると考え、Galaxy S8に向こう数カ月以内に到着する可能性があることを示唆している。


Galaxy S8は闇の中で手さぐりする一方で、ユーザーは自分の電話上のAndroidオレオクッキーを取得する際の最大のライバルの1社は、今明らかになっている。


Android Oreo update: As Galaxy S8 users left in the dark, rival gets official release date

Android Oreo update will arrive on these devices soon Despite Android Oreo being launched last year the wait for many non-Google smartphones continues. This latest software upgrade is rolling out slowly but some devices, including those from Samsung, are still without an Oreo launch date. It’s thought Samsung are in the final stages of testing their software upgrade with a recent Oreo guide, posted on the firm’s Brazilian website, suggesting it may arrive within the next month on the Galaxy S8.
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10for Windows MobileのSkypeはフロントカメラが上下逆さまの映像となっていたが、このバグの影響を受けたことは最近報告された。




Skype for Windows 10 Mobile updated to fix flipped video bug

We reported recently that Skype for Windows 10 Mobile was affected by a bug which resulted in the video from the front-facing camera being upside down. The bug was reported in the Feedback Hub and Microsoft appeared to acknowledge it. Now in the latest update to the app, Microsoft appears to have addressed the issue, with the changelog for version 12.13.274  reading: At present, the update is reportedly available only to Insiders in the Fast ring.  They can find the updated version of the app in the Store here, but of course, it should eventually be pushed out to everyone else.
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最良のiPhone Xワイヤレス充電器




Best iPhone X wireless chargers

Apple didn’t make its latest iPhone so expensive just because the company knows you’ll buy one no matter what. There’s a lot of innovative technology that went into this mobile device. But perhaps there’s nothing more satisfying on the iPhone X to use than wireless charging. It’s been around on countless Android devices for years now; however, Apple finally got around to implementing it. Just place your iPhone X on a wireless charger and it’ll automatically receive the juice it needs. Here are some of the best wireless chargers for the iPhone X.
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Tech: tips to speed up your iPhone

Every smartphone available today can surf the web, play games, stream videos, take decent pictures — and even make phone calls. So why upgrade? For many, the urge to buy a new handset kicks in only when their current model has trouble opening apps or downloading messages. That is no accident, according to a series of lawsuits launched last month against Apple in America. They accuse the world’s most valuable company of using software updates deliberately to slow down devices — in effect prodding consumers to upgrade.
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LG V30はやがてAndroidオレオ更新をすることになるかもしれない。


LG V30にオレオ更新はしばらく前に行なっても、更新が実を結んだことができるように思われる。

一部のLG v300S SK TelecomはすでにAndroidソフトウェア8.0.0を実行しているが,米国やヨーロッパの多くの他の変種が依然として最新Nougatビルドを実行しています。

しかし、ロックしていない米の表面化したスクリーンショットからLG V30は公式リリースは差し迫ったものでも携帯電話貸出の提案で動作するAndroidオレオを示しています。

OTAは公式に入手可能ではないが、他の手段を介してROMをフラッシュに存在するファイルや、リリース前にたぶんまだ内部テストのことを示しています。タイムラインは、オレオはLG V30を参照するときに予測できないが、現在の曜日を発行できるようにする設定アプリの更新ボタンをクリックするかのように見える。

LG V30 could be getting Android Oreo update soon

An Oreo update for the LG V30 has been on the cards for some time now and it seems that the update could finally be coming to fruition. Some LG v300S SK Telecom units are already running Android 8.0.0 software but most other variants of the handset across the US and Europe are still running the latest Nougat builds. However, from a screenshot that has surfaced of an unlocked US variant, LG V30 shows Android Oreo running on the handset lending suggestion an official release could be imminent.
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Powerful narrative of Life Is Strange game series arrives on iOS

Square Enix is bringing the episodic adventure game Life Is Strange to iOS devices.The first three episodes of Chloe and Max’s quest to find their classmate who has mysteriously disappeared are now available. Two additional episodes are to follow in 2018.The central element of the game is young Chloe’s ability to stop and turn back time. Players can influence the events and try out different solutions.For the mobile version, Square Enix has adapted the interface to work with touchscreens, and there are also stickers for the iMessage messenger.
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一風変わった事件で、ウィンドウズ10S Insider Previewを実行しているユーザーが最新版にアップデート・ウィンドウズ10プロ」を受信しました。このエラーは、Microsoftがどうやって作られたかわからないが、ウィンドウズ10Sに利用したい人たちにとって問題になっていることを確認

Microsoftは買収がChrome OSで昨年を『ウィンドウズ10S Surfaceノートパソコンを発売した。OSはウィンドウズ10の部品を外したバージョンでMicrosoftサービスと信頼された第3のパーティーアプリと共に密閉システムを求めている人々にとって基本的である。


Windows 10 S Insiders are receiving Windows 10 Pro update

In a rather bizarre incident, people running Windows 10 S Insider Preview are receiving Windows 10 Pro with the latest build update. We aren’t sure how this error was made by Microsoft but sure is an issue for those who want to stay on Windows 10 S. Microsoft introduced Windows 10 S with Surface Laptop last year in an attempt to takeover Chrome OS. The OS is just a stripped down version of Windows 10 basically for people who want an enclosed system with Microsoft Services and trusted 3rd party apps.
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ウィンドウズ10Mobile Kodiをインストールする方法


Xbmc Media Center、動画、写真、ポッドキャスト、音楽をブラウズし見ることができるオープンソースのクロスプラットフォーム対応メディアプレーヤーは最近衰えないWiiモーションプラスをサポートするUWPアプリケーションを更新します。

MicrosoftのWindows Developer Dayイベントで、KodiはWin32アプリケーションをフルUWPアプリケーションに変換し、Microsoftと協力していくことを確認しました。Kodi UWPアプリケーションはMicrosoft Storeで入手可能だが、Windows Phoneをサポートしません。

モバイルのARMの夜間アプリのビルドが自サイト上で利用可能な社内での開発がいくつかあるようです。こちらがお使いのWindows Phoneアプリを手動ダウンロードが必要になります。


How to install Kodi on Windows 10 Mobile

Kodi Media Center, an open source cross-platform media player which allows users to browse and view videos, photos, podcasts, and music recently updated the UWP app with support for Xbox. At Microsoft’s Windows Developer Day event, Kodi confirmed that it will be working with Microsoft to convert its Win32 application to a full UWP app. The Kodi UWP app is available in the Microsoft Store for a while now but it never supported Windows Phone.
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