同時に、Appleも「Apple WatchとApple TVに利用できるwatchOS2 3.2.3tvOS10.2.2.iOSのアップデートと同じように、その新しいソフトウェアバージョンの両方がマイナーチェンジです。watchOS2 4tvOS11両は秋に正式決定する。
The software doesn’t offer any new features and focuses on bug fixed and other behind-the-scenes improvements. It’s widely expected to be the final version of iOS 10. Apple officially unveiled iOS 11 in June, and it is currently in beta testing to both registered developers and members of the public beta program. At the same time, Apple also made available watchOS 3.2.3 and tvOS 10.2.2 for the Apple Watch and Apple TV respectively. Much like the iOS update, both of those new software versions just feature minor changes. Both watchOS 4 and tvOS 11 will officially arrive in the fall.
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