Steven Troughton-SmithはiOSの11種類の開発者向けベータ版でアプリケーション間をドラッグアンドドロップを有効にするには、非表示の設定になっていました。彼は動画を投稿した。
Drag and Drop on iPhone in iOS 11
Steven Troughton-Smith uncovered the hidden settings to enable inter-application drag-and-drop in the first iOS 11 developer beta. He even posted videos showing it in action. Count me in with Troughton-Smith: Apple should enable this for the iPhone in addition to the iPad. It’s hard to move stuff between apps on the iPhone today, and this would help. It’s clear from Troughton-Smith’s video that Apple is testing this internally — it seems to work really well already. It’s just disabled in the developer beta by a few preferences.
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