
Monthly Archives: 12月 2015




Colorful Geometrical Pattern iPhone Case from VEASOON

Inject some artistic style into your life with the Colorful Geometrical Pattern iPhone Case from VEASOON. Available for the iPhone 5/S, the iPhone 6/S, and the iPhone 6/S Plus, this case stays secure in place with its snug fit yet it can be easily removed when necessary. The geometric pattern is vibrant and bright. It features an energetic tessellation of multi-colored triangles and gives a slight illusion of a 3D texture. Made of hard plastic to keep your phone safe from scratches and dings, the Colorful Geometrical Pattern iPhone Case has textured skin on both the interior and exterior.
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6.0カーネルソースがリリースを見る最初の非Nexus Motorola装置であり、多くの元デバイスはすでにマルシュマロウイOTAを得たにもかかわらずものもあれば、おそらくすぐに移動します。

Motorola Releases Android 6.0 Kernel Source For The Moto X Pure 2015

Motorola’s Moto X Pure, codenamed Clark, is feeling super this Christmas. The device has begun receiving its Android 6.0 Marshmallow update toward the beginning of the month and now tinkerers and developers can delve into what this update is all about. The kernel source files for the Marshmallow software have been released on GitHub. If you’re a regular user, this has very little impact on you, but if you like to install custom ROMs or, even better, if you like building them, this source code should help everyone get more stable ROMs a little down the line.
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Moto G (2015) Android Marshmallow update begins rolling out

Motorola has begun seeding the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update for its popular budget smartphone the Moto G (2015). Currently the update is rolling out to unlocked units of the smartphone (XT1540) in North America. The OTA update reportedly is quite large in terms of size at 2GB and brings all the usual goodies Android Marshmallow brings. Just like the Android 5.1.1 Lollipop firmware, the new Marshmallow update is pretty much similar to stock Android. The company has in fact gotten rid of a few apps such as Migrate and Moto Assist with this update, just as expected.
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はApp Storeでエンドレスの選手がたくさんあるとアルトの冒険は無限シデスクロレラですが、このゲームは際立たせて素敵なアート、心地よいBGM、スコアの可能なスタントです。あなたの仕事が障害物を乗り越えスノーボーダーをガイドし、コインを集め、ラマを保存してあなたを追いかけ人を回避することである。

List of Popular Android and iOS Games on Sale Right Now

This column brings you the best discounts on mobile games across platforms. It’s that time of the year when almost all of our favourite games are on sale. From classics such as Grim Fandango Remastered to amazing new games such as Leo’s Fortune, we’ve found a wide variety of games to suit your tastes. The festive season sees a lot of sales, and many of these will run till the weekend is over, but some will expire sooner, so don’t waste time and pick up any games that catch your eye from this list right away. (Also see: Save Over Rs.
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Android Login Screen Won’t Work Properly

I’m trying to integrate a login screen to my application, and put a single condition which lets only a specific e-mail and password to login to the app. Problem is probably in if-else conditions of onCreate method. If works well, I can login using that specific e-mail and password, yet when I enter an invalid information, application freezes and crashes after a point. I don’t even get the error message I wrote. Note that I already tried to use boolean x = false/true for the while loop, still didn’t work. Would really appreciate any help on that. Thanks in advance.
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Apple wins lawsuit claiming messages to Android were blocked

You certainly have reason to be upset at how Apple handled iMessages for users switching away from iOS, but it’s clear that not everyone has raised those gripes the right way. Judge Lucy Koh (from the Apple-versus-Samsung case) has dismissed a lawsuit arguing that Apple effectively wiretapped iMessage chats to prevent them from reaching Android users. There’s no mention of the reasons for dismissal in the court order. However, Apple had asked the judge to toss the case when it learned that two of the plaintiffs dumped their iPhones after the case began — they’d eliminated important evidence.
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慶太高橋の回転パズルゲーム、『プレイステーション2』は、プレイステーション3、PlayStation Portable(PSP)は、PlayStation Vita、Xbox360、およびモバイルデバイス。最新ゲームの北米および日本で幾つかの続編を鼓舞し、2011年にはPlayStation Vitaの立ち上げました。

Tap My Katamari iOS, Android Game Announced With Trailer

Europe announced with a video on Wednesday that it will release an iOS and Android game titled The smartphone game takes place 10 years after the original game Keita Takahashi’s rolling puzzle game inspired several sequels in North America and Japan for PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, and mobile devices. The most recent game, , launched for PlayStation Vita in 2011.
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China Mobile Roadmapクレーム4インチiPhoneこれから2016年4月で


チャイナモバイルは最近、誤って噂4インチiPhoneモデルを流出させた可能性があるイベントを開催しました。China Mobileのロードマップは、4インチiPhoneは2016年4月いずれ公表されるだろうと約3200人民元(約500米ドル)の費用を規定しています。4インチのiPhoneは、いつか今から噂され、アップル社の報告2016年3月イベントでは、デバイスはそこで明らかに見ることになることが可能である。MyDrivers(『MacRumors』経由)から本日発表した報告書は、4インチ『iPhone』を参照してください「iPhone7C」がiPhone7はまだ起動したのでAppleという名前を使用することはないだろう。これまでの報告は、「iPhone6c’としてアップルの次期4インチiPhoneと呼ばれることがあり、それはデバイスの可能性が高い名前が残されている。iPhone6cはアルミニウム筐体(iPhone5sと類似した、あるいはiPhone6のいずれか)、iPhone6で使用したものと同じ湾曲ガラスおよび場合によってはA9プロセッサを主役にした噂は、AppleはRetinaディスプレイの搭載Touch ID、802.11ac Wi-Fi、Bluetooth4.1などと予想されるか。

China Mobile Roadmap Claims 4-inch iPhone Coming in April 2016

China Mobile recently held an event where it may have accidentally leaked the rumored 4-inch iPhone model. China Mobile’s roadmap states the 4-inch iPhone would be released in April 2016 and cost approximately 3200 Chinese Yuan (or about $500).The 4-inch iPhone has been rumored for sometime now and with Apple’s reported March 2016 event, it is possible we would see the device revealed there.Today’s report from MyDrivers (via MacRumors ) does refer to the 4-inch iPhone as the ‘iPhone 7c,’ but Apple is unlikely to use that name since the iPhone 7 has yet to launch.
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MicrosoftがWindows2000/10 1511リリースにおける新機能専門のチャンネル9サイト、10ビルド10586SDKとともにに多数の新しいビデオが追加されました。新しいバージョンは11月に全ウィンドウ10ユーザー向けに運用を開始した。



New videos show Windows 10 Mobile developers how to integrate Continuum, Jump Lists, and more

Microsoft has added a number of new videos to its Channel 9 site devoted to covering the new features in the Windows 10 1511 release, along with the Windows 10 Build 10586 SDK. The new version went live for all Windows 10 users in November. “Most significant in the Version 1511 update is the release of Windows 10 Mobile for phones and small tablets. This includes the new Continuum for phone, allowing modern devices such as the Lumia 950 and 950 XL to drive an attached screen such as a monitor or TV, in much the same way as a dual monitor setup for desktop PCs.
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米国でAndroidアプリのコルタナに対する更新は、米国内のAndroidのユーザーにとっては問題の原因になっていたフィーチャーが削除されます。現時点では、GoogleのオープンソースOSを搭載した電話を使っている人は「おいコルタナ」Reddit上、Androidユーザーは「おいコルタナ」機能をアクティブにすると、全体のAndroidプラットフォームの携帯電話のマイクロホンを打ち破ったかについて事例を転記したコールアウトで格好よかっ音声仮想アシスタントを喚起できません。「おいコルタナ」活性化もAndroidユーザー「正常Google」ホットキーをアクティブ化できない問題をもたらしました。また、Googleは検索バーまたはマイク画像上押しても起動できませんでした時期もありました。これが私たちのMotorola DROIDターボに起こった正確であると言うことができます。私たちは「おいコルタナ」と非アクティブ化と機能はすべて返しました。アプリケーションから「コルタナ」音声起動を削除する以外にも、更新はAndroidのコルタナの安定性が改善され、強化された通話と文字フィーチャを追加します。

"Hey Cortana" voice activation blocks "OK Google" on US Android phones; feature removed in …

An update to the Cortana for Android app in the U.S., removes a feature that was causing problems for stateside Android users. For now, those using a phone powered by Google’s open source OS cannot summon the personable voice-activated virtual assistant by calling out “Hey Cortana.” On Reddit, some Android users have posted anecdotal stories about how activating the “Hey Cortana” feature broke their phone’s microphone across the entire Android platform.Activating “Hey Cortana” also caused problems with Android users unable to activate the “OK Google” hotkey.
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